Monday, May 31, 2010

I am through with you and your lies. You and your hearts manipulative style. I am done complaining. I am done, and now I am gone..

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stars in the Black Sky

When my world is dark enough, that's when i really see the stars.
The people who divide me in two.
The ones who break me apart until it hurts no more.
The friends that mend my broken soul, my broken heart.
Those who can see right though my smile.
The smile so fake i choose to wear.
To cover up my hurtful and truthful despair.
They are the people to break my walls.
My friends are the ones who hold it all.
They let me crash so i can learn to fall.
To then only pick me back up and help me stand tall.
I know who is really there when it comes to the worst.
And in these moments their stars shine and burst.
With light so pure, so peaceful, so calm.
I am comforted easily and i have not a worry at all.
So bring on the dark I am ready to see.
Who will shine so bright, shine so bright for me.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

To Hell And Back Again

Feeling so lost, so hurt, so torn, i sit here in silence so broken and worn.
Yes you have suffered so much from this too, but when ever i think about anything at all, your name comes up and the walls start to fall. My barriers break down and the littlest of things hurt me. I am on fire in a place so hot and so forein. my face turns red causing my fragile eyes to burn. This is the journey i have endured more than once that's for sure. And again i will go out and explore. My best description is simple its only 12 words short. Its like a walk to hell, all the way there and back.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chapter 1

Her face tightens in more ways than one. Holding back all of the love,anger,hate,and joy she has felt this last summer. He softly runs his fingers against the tensed muscles that run along her jaw. There is something so familiar, so comforting, so right about his touch she cant help but to collapse into his arms and let her face sink into his chest. She allows the glass cover on her eyes to explode into a waterfall of tears. He doesn't know what to do but just hold her close and softly lull the familiar tune of a song, their song in fact. Ahh, yes their song. The one they spent numerous hours listening to and thinking about. A smile spreads across his face. "Tyler!" She manages to say through her short wispy breaths. "How are you smiling. Especially right here, right now. How?" Tyler Pulls her close and wipes the streaming tears from her cheeks. He takes a deep breath and releases with saying " I love you Anna. Always have, always will." With what she feels she has secret permission to let everything come out, so she cries even harder. Tyler leans in and kisses her through her tears never wanting to let go, knowing Anna was the girl for him. He wanted all of her, from the beautiful brown in her eyes to the little freckle she has on the inside of her right ankle. She hated it so much, but to him it was something he thought was really sexy. To know that she may have even the slightest imperfection on her soft velvet skin was comforting. Now sitting here with Anna in his arms he knew she was way to good. For him and the world. He could never leave her. Even when such a tragedy like this one occurred. He wanted to be there through everything. "gosh Anna! I love you he said. She looked up, eyes puffy and pink. He couldn't resist. Even with all of the commotion, the sirens, the people, the cars, he leaned in to kiss her once more. This time more tenderly and passionately. Both of them sending secret messages stating they wish they had a pause button. Not because this was the best kiss they shared. But because they didn't want to have to deal with what the feature would bring. Tomorrow to be more specific. Tomorrow was so close, but so far far away.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


The glass cover on her eyes shatters into a thousand broken tears.
What seemed like only a second ago she was full of joy.
Then you walked into her mind.
So unexpected, so infectious you spread throughout her.
Like footprints on the moon, you will forever remain in her heart.

For you who may never see this, I LOVE YOU!! My sister, my friend, you are there for me when i need you. This is souly for you. I dont like seeing you sad it makes me mad and sad! You are amazing and i Love you *** ******!! <3 your sister :)

Her true colors

When she looks at him she thinks of what it used to be, not how it is now. When he looks at her does he really see everything? Does he see they way her eyes sparkle in the sun showing her true colors. Her sense of humor, her beautiful smile, her genuine heart. Or has he just grown so used to them he ignores how great she actually is. How lucky he is to be able to hold her. Too bad she is way to good for him, for this town, for the world.

To Her,

I am glad we have become friends and i really like talking to you :) Oh i wrote on you like you asked haha, sorry its about ..... but i didn't know where to start. You are wayy to good for him and i just thought i would let you know that.

<3 Me

Thursday, March 11, 2010

She used to sit so high in my head, up where her space is now filled. Now she has drifted so far down, to the point of no recognition. I remember the little girl who played house with me, who created millions of creatures in her head to add to our own little world. Now as i look at her i dont see that. I see a girl not knowing what she wants and getting caught up in life, in his life. Away from us all. Floating farther away, into different parts of the world we created day by day year by year. But i cant go to the parts she is drifting to because she made them alone.