Monday, May 31, 2010

I am through with you and your lies. You and your hearts manipulative style. I am done complaining. I am done, and now I am gone..

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stars in the Black Sky

When my world is dark enough, that's when i really see the stars.
The people who divide me in two.
The ones who break me apart until it hurts no more.
The friends that mend my broken soul, my broken heart.
Those who can see right though my smile.
The smile so fake i choose to wear.
To cover up my hurtful and truthful despair.
They are the people to break my walls.
My friends are the ones who hold it all.
They let me crash so i can learn to fall.
To then only pick me back up and help me stand tall.
I know who is really there when it comes to the worst.
And in these moments their stars shine and burst.
With light so pure, so peaceful, so calm.
I am comforted easily and i have not a worry at all.
So bring on the dark I am ready to see.
Who will shine so bright, shine so bright for me.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

To Hell And Back Again

Feeling so lost, so hurt, so torn, i sit here in silence so broken and worn.
Yes you have suffered so much from this too, but when ever i think about anything at all, your name comes up and the walls start to fall. My barriers break down and the littlest of things hurt me. I am on fire in a place so hot and so forein. my face turns red causing my fragile eyes to burn. This is the journey i have endured more than once that's for sure. And again i will go out and explore. My best description is simple its only 12 words short. Its like a walk to hell, all the way there and back.