Monday, March 8, 2010

13 reasons

When the dirt blankets her it buries her deep.
As tears bleed out of dry eyes they water the new found flowers.
Know one knowing what happened to her.
Not knowing why she would do such a thing.
She had her reasons.
13 to be precise
But her reasons are just as good as my 13 reasons. But my reasons are the ones that tell me never to give up!! :)
1. My mom. She doesn't know it but i love her so much and couldn't leave her.
2. My dad. He is awesome and so funny he inspires me to do the best i can.
3. My brother, who is annoying but i would never in his adolescent years want for him to experience seeing me like that. i even hate it when he sees me cry, it makes me feel younger than him.
4. Ashley. She is such a pretty fun friend and has been a support center for me when ever and i feel i have kind of done the same. she is someone you want to be there for and with.
5. Sam. She is so happy go lucky and can always make you smile. She knows when and what to say when you need her to say it. It is great i have her there for me.
6. Galen. So outgoing and fun i can always know i will have a great time with her. It is hard not to and i love talking with her and i hope the same both ways.
7. Kim. She is my big sister. I want only to try to live up to her and to be the best i can be. I want to try to stay with my decisions and support her. She does so much of that for me.
8. Chelsey. aww cousin. Little sister i love you more than you know and i want to be there for you to ask questions to and have sister fun. I would feel like i was letting you down if i gave up.
9. Stephi. Little sister you are so amazing and i feel the same with you as Chelsey i just couldn't let you down. It kills me when you cry. I dint want you to ever be hurt.
1o. Someone who has hurt me and made me feel amazing all in 20 min. I can never give up on something or someone i cant go a day without thinking about.
11. Michelle (aunty) I love talking with you and feel so much love around you. I have to fill the big shoes you give me. You think so much of me i would never want to let you down.
12.Any one and everyone who walks in and out of my life. You all tell me a different story each inspiring me in different ways, but all equally amazing :)
13. Last but not least me. I have such high expectations for myself and i would not want to let any of you down but if i gave up on my self i would go against my thoughts and values. It would be weird and wrong.

Those are my 13 reasons not to die but to live and carry on. All of these reasons have made me laugh and cry, smile and be angry but i would not trade any of it. You have all made a difference in my life and you are all who i think about when i think about giving up. Even on something as little as a test or not wearing my seat belt. I think of you and you inspire me to be me :)

1 comment:

  1. Morgan this is really good! I love you too and don't ever give up on yourself because I care about you too. You keep me strong. You are one of my best friends :)
