Sunday, October 11, 2009


I got confirmed today it was great! i had an open house and and talked to alot of peopole! It was alot of fun and i feel way closer to god and i hope to grow closer. This experience has brought a new found joy in my life


  1. Congradulations Frack! :) You're now a grown woman in faith. Haha! How's it feel? ;)

  2. Well great job Morgan! I went to your house that day haa. And Sam you spelled congratulations wrong. (:

  3. Morgan your a wounderful person and a light at the end of tunnel. Your a friend to all. Stop chewing your finger nails, eat spicy foods its not that bad, maybe next time you will catch a fish. we love you ...........

  4. Confirmation that is Corney McBeans!!!:)
    hahaha Congratulations though!

  5. haha ya i know whit i spelt it wrong on everthing haha!! but thanks everyone :)
