Wednesday, November 25, 2009

If you just realize

We would never have to wounder

if we missed out on each other

if we could just decide
it would be easier all around

its so easy for me to smile

ex specially when its you who i am smiling about

I guess i should just let go

this is so hard on my heart

But for now i will just let the present happen

And wait for the promises of the future

I know you cant always be mine

Cause she will fall just as hard as i did

It just wont be as hard for her to get back up

She wont have the scars i have

But i will say you have taught me

Taught me about myself

This can only make me stonger

I mean like the dr.s say

Once you break a bone

Its harder to break again

Maybe it will be the same story with my heart

And hers and hers.....

Let the past be the past

Let the present happen

Let the promises of the future be the future

Live in the moment and never forget

Ashely and her sister Emma!

I want to play monsters!! Go lay in moms bed Emma!! AH AH AH Morgan i just got a special surprize from Ashley..... and thats how it all went down... Hahahaha

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Your eyes and their story

With eyes as fierce as a lion you stare me down.

It sends chills down my back so i turn around.

Your eyes tell me more than you know.

They show me how you care and grow.

You can send a message without a word.

Even without knowing you could.

My eyes can show you to.

How much i need you.

Your eyes are like an escape to a far place

Where i don't need to worry about the time and date.

They make me feel like I am the only one around.

Even if there were a thousand people sitting on the ground.

Those big brown circles just hypnotize me.

Round and round my head spins.

I learn from you eyes.

they have no lies.

They teach me how to dance.

When I feel I have no chance.

They will forever stay in my mind.

Even the day she calls you mine.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

my bill

My bill for youth in government this year is an act to ban all cigarette ads that are at or below the height of three feet i am pretty pumped to present this bill. I hope it goes over well with all of the other legislators at our meeting.
I made it ! I am state bound and I can't believe it ! All of my hard work payed off it all came together !!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

People need to just let go Some just take things way out of hand when they should let go learn from it then move on. Most of the time its for the best....
This weekend was pretty fun ! I went to a movie with Brady and Ashley ha Brady fell asleep. I died a little bit of my hair for swimming ! It was intertaining

Sunday, November 1, 2009

how do i tell with you

You look me straight in the eyes
With those big brown circles just hypnotizing me
I feel like there is no one else around
When i talk you listen
You promise me those things
I trust you with them so much
Its just how do i tell with you
Your witty humor is atactive
It makes me smile a grin
I love the smile you give me
I think about it more then once
I just dont know how to tell
Its not all a fairytale like you hear now
Believe me you and i have our ups and downs
it seems as though i cant have you now
i just dont know how to tell
I just dont know how to tell exspecially
when it comes down to you and only you

My heart will soar and my hair will fly.

Oh every little kid wakes up in those winter months hoping there is snow on the ground. Weather it is to make a fort with their dad, roll a snowman for mom, or waiting for the all favorite news of mine, NO school! Whatever the reason at some point in their life someone somewhere will wish for snow. Well right now i feel like that little girl wearing her pjs backwards, throwing ice out the window, praying to God, and doing anything she has ever heard of to make the snow come.
I love the time where the cheeks are rosey and it is white in the world, or at least in my world. When your hands are cold to the touch. And one of my all time favorites seeing those snow men! But i have now feel like this christmas my heart will soar and my hair will fly. I cant wait for those cold rosey cheeks. Or those warm fires. Even the hot chocolate with a christmas movie to top it off. I love giving and getting. I love the cheer. I love the wind flowing through my hair. I love it when you brush past the cold or those who are warm it never gets old. Weather you are fifty or fifteen you are going to wish for that perfect prince to get you a gift. You wish for the kiss that the mistle toe provides or the one that just wishes you goodnight. So keep your eyes closed hold on tight and wait for those months that will bring the cold.
Gossip girl is so amazing !! Having a great time sitting here with some friends Halloween was pretty fun! The dance was allright ! :) xoxo gossip girl Haha !!