Sunday, November 1, 2009

My heart will soar and my hair will fly.

Oh every little kid wakes up in those winter months hoping there is snow on the ground. Weather it is to make a fort with their dad, roll a snowman for mom, or waiting for the all favorite news of mine, NO school! Whatever the reason at some point in their life someone somewhere will wish for snow. Well right now i feel like that little girl wearing her pjs backwards, throwing ice out the window, praying to God, and doing anything she has ever heard of to make the snow come.
I love the time where the cheeks are rosey and it is white in the world, or at least in my world. When your hands are cold to the touch. And one of my all time favorites seeing those snow men! But i have now feel like this christmas my heart will soar and my hair will fly. I cant wait for those cold rosey cheeks. Or those warm fires. Even the hot chocolate with a christmas movie to top it off. I love giving and getting. I love the cheer. I love the wind flowing through my hair. I love it when you brush past the cold or those who are warm it never gets old. Weather you are fifty or fifteen you are going to wish for that perfect prince to get you a gift. You wish for the kiss that the mistle toe provides or the one that just wishes you goodnight. So keep your eyes closed hold on tight and wait for those months that will bring the cold.

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