Wednesday, November 25, 2009

If you just realize

We would never have to wounder

if we missed out on each other

if we could just decide
it would be easier all around

its so easy for me to smile

ex specially when its you who i am smiling about

I guess i should just let go

this is so hard on my heart

But for now i will just let the present happen

And wait for the promises of the future

I know you cant always be mine

Cause she will fall just as hard as i did

It just wont be as hard for her to get back up

She wont have the scars i have

But i will say you have taught me

Taught me about myself

This can only make me stonger

I mean like the dr.s say

Once you break a bone

Its harder to break again

Maybe it will be the same story with my heart

And hers and hers.....

Let the past be the past

Let the present happen

Let the promises of the future be the future

Live in the moment and never forget

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