Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Your eyes and their story

With eyes as fierce as a lion you stare me down.

It sends chills down my back so i turn around.

Your eyes tell me more than you know.

They show me how you care and grow.

You can send a message without a word.

Even without knowing you could.

My eyes can show you to.

How much i need you.

Your eyes are like an escape to a far place

Where i don't need to worry about the time and date.

They make me feel like I am the only one around.

Even if there were a thousand people sitting on the ground.

Those big brown circles just hypnotize me.

Round and round my head spins.

I learn from you eyes.

they have no lies.

They teach me how to dance.

When I feel I have no chance.

They will forever stay in my mind.

Even the day she calls you mine.


  1. This is really really true Morgan and good! And I know who it is about!! Tee Hee Hee.. (:

  2. aww morgan! so gooooood!! :) i know who it is :)))) you are a natural poet!

  3. thanks guys... to bad the last line is a let down haha
