Sunday, February 28, 2010

6.8 Billion

Out of 6.8 billion she just wants 1 to dream of her

Out of 6.8 billion she just wnats 1 to embrace her

Out of 6.8 billion she just wants 1 to love her

She wishs she could hold you close and feel the slight breeze of your breath on her cheek, the one that lets her know you are alive. The one that tells her you are here and she is not alone. Something beauitful. But most nights she harldy sleeps becasue her life is quiet, only hearing the the huffs and puffs of her own breath growning louder and louder. She trys to escape to a dream land as she crys herself into a hushed silence. Her eyes eventually close. Not long after they close, they open. Only to see what she saw on the back of her eye lids, you not there. Not with her. Waking up to the harsh reality of alone. Letting the enhanced beat of her heart produce a river of tears, just to repeat the process over again. Not being able to talk, or just cry to someone. She is going to fall down and he, or she will not notice. Neither will you. You didnt notice her when her plane crashed after you let go of the stearing. You cant expect her to think you will notice her when she falls into a pit of dark silence. She will survive, but not with your help.. Because you arent the one out of the 6.8 billion for her. And she will be LOVED.

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