Tuesday, February 9, 2010

She doesnt even know

She doesnt even know the things i see in her. The things i see going for her. The smile she smiles is so precious i want to keep it forever. She comes off so stong, so kind, so thoughtful. But inside is where she truly hides. She hides her thoughts and just throws on that smile again and again. When i know she has a soulful mind full of amazing things. She has a beauitful life full of love and pain. Her humor and smile covers this up to those around her. But when i look deep into her eyes i dont just see stunning pools of brown i also see who she truly is.. The Amazing, awesome, kind, caring, stong, peaceful, loving, heartbroken girl wanting to escape. She looks so untouched, but what i know is that she has seen and heard more than anyone would imagine. She has been to far away places unknowen to all. She has been touched and she has touched. She has touched my heart from so many different angels, directions, and so many sections. She is such a beautifuly stunning person. I just wish she would get to know this, get to kow what she means to me and others whos hearts she has touched, whos lives she has changed. Her life is beauitful and she doesnt even know it. She doesnt even know she is breath taking and that is something I KNOW will never change. She is truly stunning and some boy will see that in her one day. She will love like no one else and will recive what she desrves. She just doesnt know it yet. She just doesnt know that she is going to be super women balencing the weight of the world with ease. She doesnt know what i see in her. She doesnt know she will conqure the seas. She doesnt even know what she means to me. She will find out soon enough its just right now things are rough. In the end it will all be ok because she is one to fight until she gets her way. She doesnt even know the things she will accomplish the things she will do. She doesnt know that they will be amazing and she doesnt even know that this could happen today ...

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