Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Someday i will fly with ease

As i am flying, spilling over the very edges, tears bleed out of me. I dive deep down with wings to heavy to bear the weight any longer. Why did i drag myself to the deepest and darkest parts of the oceans? Was it because i thought you cared? My eyes are now so heavy they fall down my face. So tired, so lifeless as i walk through the halls. Hating myself. Feeling alone. Woundering why i persisted, when in the back of my head i guess i always heard the voice of doubt. I just chose not to listen. I hurt myself the most. I should of second guessed myself. But i went and i took the jump head on. I have no regrets, no remorse for these decisions. Just a broken heart. A head full of things, true and untrue. A case of the good angel bad angel going on. Telling me what they think not what i just cant say. I have a case of the blues. So someday i will fly away with the one i choose. But right now i will dwell on this branch that broke so eaisly. I will sit on the edge and look down at the broken pieces and think until i can pull myself to leave. Until i find a new branch to build off of. A new part of my tree a new part of my life. Someday i will fly with ease so just dont you worry about me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow morgan this is good!!! It will all be ok. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. And I know with time you will be your chipper self again. Don't dwell on this. Push past it and move on. And know the whole way I'll be there for you. You don't have to do this alone. I love you Morg!!! :)
