Tuesday, February 9, 2010

She is gone, gone into the sea.

She is gone. Gone into the sea. Gone, so deep, so far that we cant reach her. We can recover bits and pieces of her but we will never regain what she once was. She has been washed through and thorough from the big wave that has captured her. This changed her. This changed me. This changed how we both see. Some may say this wave of water has cleansed, has renewed us. It has ripped us to different parts of the sea. West and East. WE will always be millions of miles apart. Never being able to swim that far. No matter how strong we are, there will be a hole. We may reach shouting distance but then another wave will come and take us. Take us in opposite directions, leading us different ways. We will cross paths soon enough. We just may not recognize each other. Because the truth is there are many waves that conquer us. Push us closer or farther away from what we have, what we want, who we are, or who we aren't.

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