Friday, September 25, 2009

Swimers life

I acctually remembered what was playing through my head right before i swam my first event on thursday, the 200 im.

Ok morgan you can do it. You are sore but strong you have the determination. ok just focus and get ready to listen phooo the wistle blows and from then on my mind is a blank until i touch the wall...! But i guess thats the life of a swimmer :)

Hmm....? I just dont know

I just dont know sometimes what to feel around you..
I dont know what to say, i dont want to say the wrong thing
I dont know how to act because of the way you spin my head around
I wish i couold get into your mind
But again i just dont know what you are thinking
All I know is that....
When you fall into place you fall into me!
I know that counts for something
But i dont know if it counts for anything

Sunday, September 20, 2009

For a friend...:)!

Everythings ok! i have felt anger and hate but tenderness and love towareds you. I have read you thoughts you have let me back into your heart and mine or it has been the other way around. You have let me in all along and i have just pushed you further and furhter away i dont want to loose you infact i dont think i can loose you because i have a love for you that is beyond anything you know and i would go to the ends of the earth if i was required to to be wi th you and see you. To talk to you and be your friend. Everythings ok... instead of throwing out your love i will throw out my anger and hate i will forse you in me so i will never forget its ok now... no more hate ... no more anger... Everythings going to be ok now just remember i love you ! This is for someone in particular and if he/she has read it he/she will know that is is for themselves! I thank you :)

My early Love......

Hello sorry i didnt write yesterday i thought that it wouldnt be to hard to try to do this as a daily thing but boy was i wrong. Most of my posts have been from late at night sitting in bed... but right now the time is currently 6:39 A.M.! Oh geese i am up before the chicken flew his coop! Well i am acctually at work and to be honest the only reason i am bloging is because there is NO one here. I work at WedgeWood Cove Golf Club. My grandparents are partners in ownership of the course. I do love my job but i really do hate how early this love has gotten me up. I love to golf so having my job at a golf course has been a blast! But i have to go before i get in trouble. See ya everyone hope you had fun sleeping in a little bit ! BYE

Friday, September 18, 2009

Huh i guess thats the way i feel...

Hey woah 6 followers haha I am on my way to the big shots now haha jk. But thanks. Well this blog i am kind going to use to get my feelings out so feel free to comment your opinions. I hate the drama. I don't like the fights. Why cant we go one day without getting your two sense? i just want it to be simple like it used to be! I mean i like getting older but its more complicated to. I hate getting ignored, sorry i do it to. I am sorry for anything you have not liked i have done. I forgive you for things you have yet to do and i want you to forgive me to. Let us have fun, let it be simple, let us be friends ! Don't forget i love you. Well i need to get some more sleep no swim three hour nap and still feel like i have twelve hundred people pulling on my shoulders making me feel heavy and sore. Have a great weekend everyone ! If you are not feeling well rest and drink fluids. NIGHT! :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have a couple of questions..? Why is everyone sick. its like a pandemic is now sweeping through school!! Its crazzy! i swear there is a new person gone everyday just like there is another pancake on my plate after my first serving haha! But really why? I had a swim meet tonight it went just dandiy! I dont feel good so it kinda sucked along with me sucking for air like every stroke. We lost again hmm remind you of a used to be loosing sports team cough the vikings cough cough ! ha one more for ya.... I shake my head clear of thoughts.. all but one victory. I prepare myself mentally even though physically it will be tough i do what i am told and off i go.. i am kicking and pulling gasping for air ouch almost there... done i was racing hmm maybe next time when i feel a little better haha. Good night everyone hope you enjoyed my wounderful field :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bad day...

I am a sick one today! i was swimming and i started shaking like a rabbit that want to jump down from the counter haha. Just kidding i am over extracting a little bit! anyways i have a swim meet tomorrow. It is a home meet so i am excited for that part. But i hope i feel better. I swear that there is now a pandemic of sicknesses working its way through alhs. Sorry i didn't write much but i need some sleep got to get better. Good night friends and Mr Worth!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My day!! :)

Hello people of earth haha! i have been pretty hyper today until like............. NOW! haha. In my first blog i told you about myself and how i am in swimming and now you will hear or read i guess about swimming today. Well we had a meet in saint peter. Normally saint peter is an awesome meet that always ends close, but this one we went into knowing we would loose...:( (I think people should always shoot and dream for the imposible) so i did not quite like our atitudes but it was true we would loose. The meet was pretty good times wise. I placed second in my 200 im with a time of 2:34 and i also placed 2nd with only 2 seconds to spare in my 500 with a 6:12. For those of you folks who dont know a 500 is 20! laps back and forth across the pool! It is great haha. But i did have alot of fun mostely because of the bus rides. An hour and a half on a bus with your team, fun fun! Well anyways today we got our big fish, little fish. They are just like a buddy with a older/younger girl and you chear for them and make them gifts for meets and such. Well this year i ended getting to be a BIG fish!! My little fish is Lauren S. She is a cool little girl. Below is a picture of me and her :) what cuties! Loren is on the left with me on the right.

Here are some other fun pictures from the bus ride of me and Galen. One of my best friends. She is the one with the brown hair and me with the blonde.

Thats right we are dorks but i dont know what i would do without her:)

Well i need to get to sleep i think i am starting to get WAY over tired. Goodnight people. hopefully i will see you next time you visit the moon ! haha! :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Me You and Bloging

Well is is my FOB !! haha (first official blog) i guess i will just start with telling you a little bit about me and my background and maybe you can catch one of my thoughts that i will through out into the whole field of them. Well first my name is Morgan. I live in a pretty average town in southern MN. It is small but i love my home. I have a family of four. One father Steve, one mother Jenni, and one little brother Andrew. They don't know it but through thick and thin i love them and know they will always be there for me. Oops forgot some members. I have two dogs. One papillion named Emmey and one black lab Beu. I also have cats but we can get into that later.

Another HUGE part of my life is my friends! I have three friends who i have no clue what i would do without. They are the ones who wipe my tears make me laugh when i need to. They are the kind i will never leave and NEVER forget. Their names are Galen, Sam, and Ashley. I will also talk about them the NEXT time we have a crazzy adventure, it will be on here as soon as possible. My friends are my life along with my family and other general things like school, sports, ect. I also am involed in alot of school activites. I am in swimming which is my other life haha. I am a swimmer from Aug. to Apr. It is a long season but it keeps me in shape and is great funn...... sometimes! Well i am in alot of other things like figure skating, youth in government, mock trial, show chior, and golf. But i dont want to bore you with myself any longer so i guess i will rap it up with saying i am a dork i love life and dont care what others think about me! Have an amazing night i hope those bed bites dont get to you fokes. Signed-- Morgan