Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My day!! :)

Hello people of earth haha! i have been pretty hyper today until like............. NOW! haha. In my first blog i told you about myself and how i am in swimming and now you will hear or read i guess about swimming today. Well we had a meet in saint peter. Normally saint peter is an awesome meet that always ends close, but this one we went into knowing we would loose...:( (I think people should always shoot and dream for the imposible) so i did not quite like our atitudes but it was true we would loose. The meet was pretty good times wise. I placed second in my 200 im with a time of 2:34 and i also placed 2nd with only 2 seconds to spare in my 500 with a 6:12. For those of you folks who dont know a 500 is 20! laps back and forth across the pool! It is great haha. But i did have alot of fun mostely because of the bus rides. An hour and a half on a bus with your team, fun fun! Well anyways today we got our big fish, little fish. They are just like a buddy with a older/younger girl and you chear for them and make them gifts for meets and such. Well this year i ended getting to be a BIG fish!! My little fish is Lauren S. She is a cool little girl. Below is a picture of me and her :) what cuties! Loren is on the left with me on the right.

Here are some other fun pictures from the bus ride of me and Galen. One of my best friends. She is the one with the brown hair and me with the blonde.

Thats right we are dorks but i dont know what i would do without her:)

Well i need to get to sleep i think i am starting to get WAY over tired. Goodnight people. hopefully i will see you next time you visit the moon ! haha! :)

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