Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have a couple of questions..? Why is everyone sick. its like a pandemic is now sweeping through school!! Its crazzy! i swear there is a new person gone everyday just like there is another pancake on my plate after my first serving haha! But really why? I had a swim meet tonight it went just dandiy! I dont feel good so it kinda sucked along with me sucking for air like every stroke. We lost again hmm remind you of a used to be loosing sports team cough the vikings cough cough ! ha one more for ya.... I shake my head clear of thoughts.. all but one victory. I prepare myself mentally even though physically it will be tough i do what i am told and off i go.. i am kicking and pulling gasping for air ouch almost there... done i was racing hmm maybe next time when i feel a little better haha. Good night everyone hope you enjoyed my wounderful field :)


  1. Sorry to hear about your meet D:

    The trail starts with the football players. (as so my doctor told me...) They probably caught it during a game from one of the other teams. Most flu like sicknesses are airbourne and you can carry a virus even if you have no symptoms. But then there are the sick people who INSIST on going to school or their parents force them. So eventually, heathly people breathe in the virus and get sick....
    I was sent to urgent care on tuesday to get tested for swine flu. And guess what? I have it yay! ( urgent care isn't nearly as bad as it sounds and neither is swine flu ) So most people who are sick probably have the flu or h1n1. The flu is much harder to shake off and get rid off then the common cold.

  2. Thank you for that very informal responce! I hope you get better! and i am sorry to say that i am probably one of those germ spreading students haha ! But thank you for the coment ! i hope you dont turn into a pig haha JK!!
