Monday, September 14, 2009

Me You and Bloging

Well is is my FOB !! haha (first official blog) i guess i will just start with telling you a little bit about me and my background and maybe you can catch one of my thoughts that i will through out into the whole field of them. Well first my name is Morgan. I live in a pretty average town in southern MN. It is small but i love my home. I have a family of four. One father Steve, one mother Jenni, and one little brother Andrew. They don't know it but through thick and thin i love them and know they will always be there for me. Oops forgot some members. I have two dogs. One papillion named Emmey and one black lab Beu. I also have cats but we can get into that later.

Another HUGE part of my life is my friends! I have three friends who i have no clue what i would do without. They are the ones who wipe my tears make me laugh when i need to. They are the kind i will never leave and NEVER forget. Their names are Galen, Sam, and Ashley. I will also talk about them the NEXT time we have a crazzy adventure, it will be on here as soon as possible. My friends are my life along with my family and other general things like school, sports, ect. I also am involed in alot of school activites. I am in swimming which is my other life haha. I am a swimmer from Aug. to Apr. It is a long season but it keeps me in shape and is great funn...... sometimes! Well i am in alot of other things like figure skating, youth in government, mock trial, show chior, and golf. But i dont want to bore you with myself any longer so i guess i will rap it up with saying i am a dork i love life and dont care what others think about me! Have an amazing night i hope those bed bites dont get to you fokes. Signed-- Morgan

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